Worth the Wheat has officially concluded its Fall schedule of events, so we figured now's a good time for a little update on what to expect from us in the coming months.
So far, Worth the Wheat has sold exclusively at farmer's markets and other pop-up markets. We plan to continue to do so when the markets reopen in the Spring.
In the meantime, we're considering other venues and other ways to get our products to our customers.
For example, we're now seeking arrangements to sell at local shops and considering the possibility of an online store.
We don't have anything set in stone yet, but we plan to publish updates here as soon as we do.
Alternatively, if you'd like to be notified when we have an update, you can subscribe to our email list or follow us on Instagram.
With that, we at Worth the Wheat wish you a warm Winter season!
P.S. Thank you to all our customers and supporters, and to all event organizers for giving us such a warm welcome for our first season at market!